Course description

This module encourages Postgraduate students to develop an analysis and evaluation of research methodology. Students will develop a critical awareness of how knowledge in the theory and practice of management is constructed, developed and codified. A range of research strategies, designs and methods will be examined and their application to business and management research will be evaluated. Students will engage in the practical activity of designing research methods. This module provides the requisite knowledge and skills to successfully plan and implement an independent research project.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, the student will be able to:

  1. Apply epistemological theories to the interpretation of management knowledge and discourse.
  2. Identify and define researchable business and management-related issues
  3. Critically evaluate published research and literature in relation to a chosen area of study.
  4. Evaluate the wide range of research designs and methods available to the management and business researcher, and develop competency in the effective application of these methods.
  5. Develop the skills necessary for managing the development, implementation and monitoring of a research project.
  6. Devise a research proposal, suitable for a major management-related project or a Master's dissertation.